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📌 Rust rand Cheat Sheet

The rand crate provides random number generation, including secure RNGs, seeding, distributions, and shuffling.

📦 Installation

  • Add rand to Cargo.toml
rand = "0.8"


  • Run commannd:
cargo add rand

1️⃣ Basic Random Number & Char Generation

use rand::random;
use rand::Rng;

fn main() {
    let random_u8: u8 = random(); // Generates a random u8
    let random_bool: bool = random(); // Generates a random bool
    let random_float: f32 = random(); // Generates a random float

    println!("Random u8: {}", random_u8);
    println!("Random bool: {}", random_bool);
    println!("Random float: {}", random_float);

    // Get an RNG:
    let mut rng = rand::rng();

    // Try printing a random unicode code point (probably a bad idea)!
    println!("char: '{}'", rng.random::<char>());
    // Try printing a random alphanumeric value instead!
    println!("alpha: '{}'", rng.sample(rand::distr::Alphanumeric) as char);
Method Description
random::<T>() Generates a random value of type T

2️⃣ Using a Random Number Generator (RNG)

use rand::Rng;

fn main() {
    let mut rng = rand::rng(); // Get the thread-local RNG

    let num: i32 = rng.random(); // Random i32
    let num_range: i32 = rng.random_range(1..=100); // Random i32 in range 1-100
    let float_range: f32 = rng.random_range(5.5..=7.5); // Random f32 in range 5.5-7.5

    println!("Random i32: {}", num);
    println!("Random i32 in range 1-100: {}", num_range);
    println!("Random i32 in range 5.5-7.5: {}", float_range);


The above code in section:1 is just a shorthand for rng.random (section:2).

Method Description
.gen::<T>() Generates a random value of type T
.gen_range(a..b) Generates a number in range [a, b)
.gen_range(a..=b) Generates a number in range [a, b]

3️⃣ Random Choice from a List

use rand::seq::IndexedRandom;

fn main() {
    let choices = ["🍎", "🍌", "🍊", "🍉"];
    let mut rng = rand::rng();

    for _ in 1..10 {
        if let Some(random_fruit) = choices.choose(&mut rng) {
            println!("Random fruit: {}", random_fruit);

    let my_choices = choices.choose_multiple(&mut rng, 3);
    for f in my_choices {
Method Description
.choose(&mut rng) Picks a random element from a slice
.choose_multiple(&mut rng, amount: usize) Picks multiple random element from a slice

4️⃣ Shuffling a List

use rand::seq::SliceRandom;

fn main() {
    let mut choices = ["🍎", "🍌", "🍊", "🍉"];
    let mut rng = rand::rng();

    for _ in 1..5 {
        choices.shuffle(&mut rng);

Method Description
.shuffle(&mut rng) Shuffles elements in-place

5️⃣ Randomly Sampling Elements

  • Pick 3 unique indices from range 0-9.
use rand::seq::index::sample;

fn main() {
    let mut rng = rand::rng();
    let indices = sample(&mut rng, 10, 3); // Pick 3 unique indices from range 0-9

    println!("Random indices: {:?}", indices.into_iter().collect::<Vec<_>>());
Method Description
.sample(&mut rng, total, count) Selects count unique elements from total

6️⃣ Using a Seeded RNG for Reproducibility

use rand::rngs::StdRng;
use rand::{Rng, SeedableRng};

fn main() {
    let seed = [42; 32]; // A fixed seed (must be 32 bytes)
    let mut rng = StdRng::from_seed(seed);

    println!("Seeded random number: {}", rng.random::<u32>());
    println!("Seeded random number: {}", rng.random::<u32>());
    println!("Seeded random number: {}", rng.random::<u32>());
  • Everytime you run this executable, the generated random number in each run will be same following the order.
Method Description
.from_seed(seed) Creates a seeded RNG

7️⃣ Random Boolean Generation

  • Return a bool with a probability p of being true.
use rand;
fn main() {

    let mut count: u32 = 0;
    for _ in 1..100{
        let guess = rand::random_bool(0.3);

        println!("Random guess is: {guess}");
        if guess{
    println!("Got it correct for: {count} out of 100.")
Method Description
.random_bool(p) Returns true with probability p

8️⃣ Custom Probability Distributions

use rand::distr::{Bernoulli, Distribution};

fn main() {
    let mut rng = rand::rng();
    let bernoulli_experiment = Bernoulli::new(0.34).unwrap();

    for _ in 1..6 {
        let random_value = bernoulli_experiment.sample(&mut rng);

        println!("Bernoulli experiment random value: {}", random_value);
Method Description
Bernoulli::new(mean, std_dev) Creates a Bernoulli distribution
.sample(&mut rng) Generates a sample