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Rust String Methods

Rust's String and &str types provide many useful methods similar to Python's string methods. Below is a list of common operations and their equivalents in Rust.

Checking Prefix & Suffix

let s = "hello world";

Trimming Whitespace

let s = "  hello  ";
assert_eq!(s.trim(), "hello");
assert_eq!(s.trim_start(), "hello  ");
assert_eq!(s.trim_end(), "  hello");

Modifying Case

let s = "Hello";
assert_eq!(s.to_lowercase(), "hello");
assert_eq!(s.to_uppercase(), "HELLO");

Splitting & Joining

  • split: Splits a string on a delimiter.
let s = "a,b,c";
let parts: Vec<&str> = s.split(',').collect();
assert_eq!(parts, vec!["a", "b", "c"]);
  • split_whitespace: Splits by whitespace.
let s = "hello   world";
let parts: Vec<&str> = s.split_whitespace().collect();
assert_eq!(parts, vec!["hello", "world"]);

splitn: Splits a string into a maximum of N substrings.

let s = "a,b,c,d";
let parts: Vec<&str> = s.splitn(2, ',').collect();
assert_eq!(parts, vec!["a", "b,c,d"]);
  • join: Joins an iterator of strings with a separator.
let words = vec!["hello", "world"];
let s = words.join(" ");
assert_eq!(s, "hello world");

Replacing & Removing Characters

  • replace: Replaces all occurrences of a substring.
let s = "hello world";
assert_eq!(s.replace("world", "Rust"), "hello Rust");
  • replacen: Replaces the first N occurrences.
let s = "hello world world";
assert_eq!(s.replacen("world", "Rust", 1), "hello Rust world");
  • trim_matches: Trims specific characters from start and end.
let s = "---hello---";
assert_eq!(s.trim_matches('-'), "hello");
  • trim_start_matches: Trims specific characters from start.
let s = "s3://hello";
assert_eq!(s.trim_start_matches("s3://"), "hello");

Indexing & Slicing

  • chars: Iterates over characters.
let s = "hello";
for c in s.chars() {
    println!("{}", c);
  • bytes: Iterates over bytes.
let s = "hello";
for b in s.bytes() {
    println!("{}", b);
  • Slicing: Getting a substring using byte indices.
let s = "hello world";
let sub = &s[0..5];
assert_eq!(sub, "hello");

⚠ Note: Rust strings are UTF-8 encoded, so slicing must align with character boundaries.

Checking Empty or Length

  • is_empty: Checks if a string is empty.
let s = "";
  • len: Gets the length (in bytes, not characters!).
let s = "hello";
assert_eq!(s.len(), 5);

Converting Between Strings

  • to_string: Converts into a String.
let s = "hello".to_string();
  • String::from: Creates a String from a &str.
let s = String::from("hello");