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Pytest Installation & Configuration


pip install -U pytest

pytest --version

Running pytest

# run testfile

# run testfile in some nested dir
pytest test_dir1/test_dir2/

# running a specific test
pytest test_dir1/

# Specifying a specific test method
pytest tests/

# Specifying a specific parametrization of a test
pytest tests/[x1,y2]

# marker expressions: run all tests decorated with `@pytest.mark.slow`
pytest -m slow

# marker expression: `@pytest.mark.slow(phase=1)`
pytest -m "slow(phase=1)"

pytest options

  • -q: Run in quiet mode (minimal output).
  • -v: Run in verbose mode (detailed output).
  • -s (stdout): Disable output capturing (prints print() statements).
  • --tb=short: Show a shortened traceback for test failures.
  • -k "expression" (keyword): Run tests matching the given substring or expression.

Test discovery rule

standard test discovery

  • If no arguments are specified then collection starts from testpaths (if configured in pyproject.toml or pytest.ini), or the current directory.
  • Recurse into directories, unless they match norecursedirs.
  • In those directories, search for test_*.py or * files.
  • From those files, collect test items:
    • functions with test prefixed name. e.g., test_is_valid, etc.
    • Methods with test prefixed name inside Classes with name Test{ClassName} without __init__ method.
    • Methods decorated with @staticmethod and @classmethods are also considered in classes with Test prefixed name and without __init__.

Pytest Configuration

To get help on command line options and values in INI-style configurations files by using the general help option:

pytest -h   # prints options _and_ config file settings

This will display command line and configuration file settings which were registered by installed plugins.

  • We can specify pytest configurations in either pytest.ini, or .pytest.ini (hidden file), or pyproject.toml file.
  • pytest.ini files take precedence over other files, even when empty.

  • sample pytest.ini file

# pytest.ini or .pytest.ini
minversion = 6.0
addopts = -ra -q
testpaths =
  • sample pyproject.toml pytest config
# pyproject.toml
minversion = "6.0"
testpaths = [
norecursedirs = [
addopts = [
markers = [
    "cloud: Run the cloud tests for example",
filterwarnings = [
xfail_strict = true
junit_duration_report = "call"

Explanation of some pytest config options

  • minversion = "6.0" → Requires pytest version 6.0 or higher.
  • testpaths → Specifies directories or files where pytest should look for tests, improving test discovery performance.
  • norecursedirs → Prevents pytest from searching for tests in specified directories.
  • addopts → Additional command-line options for pytest execution.
    • --strict-markers → Enforces strict marker usage; unregistered markers cause errors.
    • --doctest-modules → Runs doctests in all modules.
    • --color=yes → Enables colored output in pytest results.
    • --disable-pytest-warnings → Suppresses pytest-specific warnings.
    • --ignore=legacy/checkpoints → Ignores the specified directory when discovering tests.
  • markers → Defines custom markers like cloud for categorizing tests.
  • filterwarnings → Converts FutureWarning to an error, ensuring deprecated features are addressed.
  • xfail_strict = true → Treats all xfail tests as failures if they unexpectedly pass.
  • junit_duration_report = "call" → Includes test call durations in JUnit XML reports.


To run tests:

  • First install project in editable mode.
pip install -e .
  • then, run tests
pytest # and provide options or use config file (pytest.ini or pyproject.toml)