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Async Event (Synchronization Primitives)

  • An asyncio event can be used to notify multiple asyncio tasks that some event has happened.

An Event object manages an internal flag that can be set to true with the set() method and reset to false with the clear() method.

The wait() method blocks until the flag is set to true. The flag is set to false initially.

import asyncio

async def waiter(event):
    print('waiting for it ...')
    await event.wait()
    print('... got it!')

async def main():
    # Create an Event object.
    event = asyncio.Event()

    # Spawn a Task to wait until 'event' is set.
    waiter_task = asyncio.create_task(waiter(event))

    # Sleep for 1 second and set the event.
    await asyncio.sleep(1)

    # Wait until the waiter task is finished.
    await waiter_task