Dictionaries & Sets in Python
Dictionaries store key-value pairs and are mutable.
Creating Dictionaries
Accessing & Modifying
value = dct['a'] # Access value
dct['d'] = 4 # Add new key-value pair
dct['a'] = 10 # Modify value
del dct['b'] # Delete key-value pair
Dictionary Methods
keys = dct.keys() # Get all keys
values = dct.values() # Get all values
items = dct.items() # Get key-value pairs
default = dct.get('x', 0) # Get with default
# loop through dict
for key, value in dct.items():
print(key, value)
# check if key exists in dict
if 'x' in dct:
print('x not found')
A defaultdict
provides default values for missing keys.
from collections import defaultdict
dd = defaultdict(int) # Default value is 0
dd['x'] += 1 # Works without key error
dl = defaultdict(list)
dl['x'].append(1) # Works without key error, creates empty list
An OrderedDict
remembers the order of items.
# A Python program to demonstrate working of OrderedDict
from collections import OrderedDict
od = OrderedDict()
od['a'] = 1
od['b'] = 2
od['c'] = 3
od['d'] = 4
od['a'] = 5
for key, value in od.items():
print(key, value)
Equality in ordered dict
from collections import OrderedDict
# Create two ordered dictionaries with different orderings
od1 = OrderedDict([('a', 1), ('b', 2), ('c', 3)])
od2 = OrderedDict([('c', 3), ('b', 2), ('a', 1)])
# Compare the ordered dictionaries for equality
print(od1 == od2) # False
Sets store unique elements and are unordered.
Creating Sets
Set Operations
s.add(6) # Add an element
s.remove(3) # Remove an element
union = s | {7, 8} # Union
intersection = s & {2, 4, 6} # Intersection
difference = s - {1, 2} # Difference
Membership & Length
length = len(s) # Get length
exists = 3 in s # Check membership
# loop through set
for element in s:
Quick Functions Reference
Operation | Dictionary | Set |
Length | len(dct) |
len(s) |
Access Value | dct[key] |
❌ |
Add Item | dct[key] = value |
s.add(x) |
Remove Item | del dct[key] |
s.remove(x) |
Membership | key in dct |
x in s |
Union | ❌ | s | other_set |
Intersection | ❌ | s & other_set |
Difference | ❌ | s - other_set |